
Understanding JavaScript Constructors and Prototypes

In JavaScript, objects are created through constructor functions and prototypes. Constructor functions are used to create objects with properties and methods, while prototypes are used to share properties and methods between objects.

Constructor Functions

A constructor function is a special type of function that is used to create new objects. The this keyword refers to the object being created, and you can assign properties and methods to it using dot notation. Here's an example:

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  --------- - -----
  -------- - ----

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  ---------------- -- ---- -- ------------ --- --- ----------- ----- -------

----- ---- - --- -------------- ----
------------- -- --- -- ---- -- ---- --- --- -- ----- ----

In this example, we define a Person constructor function that takes two parameters: name and age. Inside the constructor function, we use the this keyword to assign those values to the object being created. We also define a greet method on the Person prototype so that all instances of Person have access to it.

To create a new Person object, we use the new keyword followed by the Person function and any arguments that it requires. In this case, we create a new Person object named john with a name of "John" and an age of 25. We then call the greet method on john, which logs a message to the console.


Prototypes are used to share properties and methods between objects. Every object in JavaScript has a prototype, which is another object that it inherits from. When you try to access a property or method on an object, JavaScript first looks for that property or method on the object itself. If it can't find it, it looks for it on the object's prototype. This process continues until JavaScript either finds the property or method or reaches the end of the prototype chain.

In our previous example, we defined a greet method on the Person prototype. This means that every instance of Person has access to that method, even though it wasn't defined on the individual instances themselves.

----- ---- - --- -------------- ----
------------- -- --- -- ---- -- ---- --- --- -- ----- ----

In this example, we create a new Person object named jane. Even though we didn't define a greet method on jane directly, we can still call jane.greet() because jane inherits from the Person prototype.


Constructor functions and prototypes are powerful tools in JavaScript that allow you to create and share functionality between objects. By understanding how they work, you can write more efficient and maintainable code.

Remember to use constructor functions to create new objects with properties and methods, and prototypes to share properties and methods between objects. With practice, you'll become more comfortable working with these concepts and be able to take advantage of their full potential.

来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请联系管理员! 本文地址:


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