how to use animation with ng-repeat in angularjs

Rishul Matta提出了一个问题:how to use animation with ng-repeat in angularjs,或许与您遇到的问题类似。

回答者Rémi Becherasz0r给出了该问题的处理方式:

Following on from Marcel's comment: in AngularJS 1.2 you don't need to use the ng-animate directive. Instead:

  1. Includeangular-animate[-min].js.
  2. Make your module depend on ngAnimate.
  3. Define your transitions in CSS using classes like .ng-enter and .ng-enter-active.
  4. Use ng-repeat as you normally would.


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Demo in (someone else's) Plunker.

See the docs for $animate for details on the progression through the various CSS classes.


来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请注明来源 本文地址: