npm 包 Zepto first 使用教程

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Zepto is a fast and lightweight JavaScript library for modern browsers that provides jQuery-compatible APIs. It is an excellent choice for developers who prefer simplicity, speed, and size over the extensive features of jQuery.

In this tutorial, we'll give you a thorough introduction to Zepto and teach you how to use it in your projects. We'll cover installation, the basics of the API, and some examples to get you started.


You can install Zepto using npm or by downloading the file directly from the website. Here's how to install it using npm:

Once installed, you can import it into your project like this:

Alternatively, you can include the Zepto file in your HTML file:

Basic API Usage

Zepto's API is very similar to jQuery's, with a few minor differences. Here are some of the most commonly used methods:


To select elements, you can use the $ function. For example, to select all paragraphs on a page, you would do:

DOM Manipulation

Zepto provides a set of methods to manipulate the DOM. Here are a few examples:


Zepto also provides a simplified event handling system. Here's how to bind a click event to a button:


Zepto provides a set of functions to make AJAX requests. Here's an example:


Here are a few examples to help you get started with Zepto:

Example 1: Toggle Class

This example shows how to add and remove a class on click:

Example 2: AJAX Request

This example shows how to make an AJAX request and append the response to the page:


Zepto is a powerful and lightweight library that can help you simplify your code and speed up your website. With its jQuery-compatible API, it's easy to learn and use, making it an excellent choice for beginners and experienced developers alike. Give it a try and see how it can improve your projects!

来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请注明来源

