React 16.x 2019 年路线图

React 16.x 2019 Roadmap

React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces. In 2019, the React team released version 16.x with several new features and improvements. In this article, we will explore the roadmap for React 16.x and discuss the benefits, challenges, and best practices of using its new features.

Key Features of React 16.x

Some of the notable features of React 16.x are:

Error Boundaries

Error boundaries are components that catch errors that occur during rendering, in lifecycle methods, or in constructors of their children components. By defining error boundaries around these components, developers can prevent an entire application from crashing due to one single error. Instead, they can display a fallback UI to inform users about the error and provide an opportunity to recover from it.

Here's how to create an error boundary component:

----- ------------- ------- --------------- -
  ------------------ -
    ---------- - - --------- ----- --

  ------ ------------------------------- -
    ------ - --------- ---- --

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    -- --------------------- -
      ------ ------------- ---- ------------
    ------ --------------------

To use this component, wrap it around the component that might throw an error:

  ------------ --


Fragments are a new way to group multiple elements together without adding extra nodes to the DOM. They are useful when you want to return multiple components from a function. Here's how to use them:

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Portals allow you to render a component outside of its parent component in the DOM hierarchy. This can be useful for modals, tooltips, and other UI components that need to be displayed above all other content. Here's an example:

----- ----- ------- --------------- -
  ------------------ -
    ------- - ------------------------------

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    ------ ----------------------

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      ----------- -- -- ---------
        ------- -- - ----- -----------

Benefits of React 16.x

React 16.x brings several benefits to developers, including:

Improved Performance

React 16.x introduced Fiber, a new reconciliation algorithm that makes use of asynchronous rendering to improve performance. Fiber allows React to pause and resume rendering as needed, which reduces the time it takes to update the UI.

Better Error Handling

Error boundaries provide a way to gracefully handle errors and prevent an entire application from crashing due to a single error. With error boundaries, developers can display fallback UIs and provide recovery options to users.

More Flexible Rendering

Fragments and portals provide more flexibility in how components are rendered. Fragments allow developers to group multiple elements together without adding extra nodes to the DOM, while portals enable components to be rendered outside of their parent components in the DOM hierarchy.

Challenges of React 16.x

While React 16.x offers many benefits, it also presents some challenges:

Learning Curve

React 16.x introduced several new features, such as error boundaries, fragments, and portals, that developers must learn to use effectively. This can be challenging for those who are new to React or are used to working with earlier versions.

Breaking Changes

React 16.x includes some breaking changes from previous versions, such as the removal of some lifecycle methods like componentWillMount() and componentWillReceiveProps(). Developers upgrading their applications to React 16.x need to be aware of these changes and update their code accordingly.

Best Practices

To make the most of React 16.x, here are some best practices:

Use Error Boundaries

Error boundaries can help prevent an entire application from crashing due to one single error. Be sure to define error boundaries around components that might throw errors during rendering, in lifecycle methods, or in constructors.

Use Fragments

Fragments allow you to group multiple elements together without adding extra nodes to the DOM. Use them when returning multiple components from a function.

Use Portals

Portals enable components to be rendered outside of their parent components in the DOM hierarchy. Use them for modals, tooltips, and other UI

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