The HTML5 Canvas Handbook

HTML5 Canvas is a powerful tool for creating and manipulating graphics on the web. It provides a way to draw shapes, images, and text directly in the browser using JavaScript. In this article, we will explore the basics of HTML5 Canvas and how it can be used to create engaging and interactive visualizations.

Getting Started with Canvas

To get started with Canvas, you need to create a canvas element in your HTML document. This can be done using the following code:

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This creates a canvas element with an ID of "myCanvas". You can customize the size of the canvas using CSS or by setting its width and height attributes like so:

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Once you have created your canvas element, you can access it using JavaScript and start drawing on it.

Drawing Shapes on Canvas

Canvas provides several methods for drawing basic shapes like rectangles, circles, and lines. Let's look at an example of how to draw a rectangle on canvas:

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In this example, we first get a reference to the canvas element using document.getElementById. We then obtain a rendering context using the getContext method. This returns an object that provides various methods for drawing on the canvas.

We set the fill style to "red" using the fillStyle property of the context object. We then use the fillRect method to draw a filled rectangle with a top-left corner at (10,10) and a width and height of 100.

You can also draw other shapes such as circles, lines, and arcs using the corresponding methods provided by the context object.

Working with Images on Canvas

Canvas also allows you to draw images on the canvas element. You can load an image using the Image constructor and then use the drawImage method to render it on the canvas.

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In this example, we create a new Image object and set its source to "myImage.png". We then wait for the image to load by setting its onload property to a callback function.

Once the image has loaded, we use the drawImage method to draw it on the canvas at position (0,0).

Animating Canvas

One of the most powerful features of HTML5 Canvas is the ability to create animations. You can do this by repeatedly redrawing the canvas with different shapes or images over time.

To create an animation, you typically use the requestAnimationFrame method to schedule a function to be called each time the browser repaints the screen.

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In this example, we create a function called animate that draws a red rectangle on the canvas at position (x,10). We then increment x by 1 and call requestAnimationFrame to schedule the function to be called again on the next frame.

We also call ctx.clearRect at the start of the function to clear the canvas before drawing the new rectangle. This is important because if we don't clear the canvas, the previous frames will still be visible and the animation will look like a trail of rectangles.


HTML5 Canvas is a powerful tool for creating dynamic and interactive graphics on the web. It provides a wide range of methods for drawing shapes, images, and text directly in the browser using JavaScript. With the knowledge you have gained from this article, you should now be able to create your own engaging and interactive visualizations using HTML5 Canvas.

来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请联系管理员! 本文地址:


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