
阅读时长 12 分钟读完

Converter for HTML fragments with mathematics using mathjax-node


This Node.js module builds on mathjax-node and provides processing of larger content fragments



to install mathjax-node-page and its dependencies.


mathjax-node-page exports mjpage which expects four parameters:

Where input is a string with HTML, pageConfig specifies page-wide options, and mjnodeConfig expects mathjax-node configuration options.

The defaults for pageConfig are

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    ---- --- -- ------------- ------- --- --- -------------- --- ----------
    ------ --- -- ------------- ------- --- ----- -------------- --- ------------
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and where mjnodeConfig represents mathjax-node configuration options, the defaults are.

-- -------------------- ---- -------
  --- -- -- ------- -- ------
  ------ ---- -- ----- -- ---- --------- --- --- --- ------------ --- ----
  ------------- ----- -- --- ------ --- ----- -- --- -------
  --------------- ------ -- --- ------ ------ --- --- ----------
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  -------- -- - ----- -- -- ------ ------- ------ ---------- -------

Advanced usage

mathjax-node customization

mathjax-node-page exports init function that allows you to pass in a custom mathjax-node (for example, mathjax-node-svg2png).

If your custom mathjax-node provides new output options, you can add them by calling addOutput. As a second parameter, you can pass custom output handler, which is a function that modifies a DOM element with the conversion result. The default output handler behavior is to write contents to wrapper.innerHTML.

Reset to default mathjax-node behavior by calling init with empty parameters. Ensure that all your current mathjax-node-page tasks have been completed before calling it.


mjpage runs jobs which inherit EventEmitter and provide the following event hooks. Add the corresponding event handlers to manipulate the input/output and DOM before/after conversion.

All the event handlers are destroyed when job ends to prevent memory leaks.

Formula conversion events

  • beforeConversion -> handler(parsedFormula): runs before individual formula conversion started, but after initial DOM processing. All the formulas are wrapped in <script type="..."> tags, where @type is one of the following:
  • afterConersion -> handler(parsedFormula): runs after individual formula conversion completed and DOM was changed. Formula DOM node is a <span class="mjpage..."> wrapper whose contents are the conversion result.

All formula conversion events pass ParsedFormula instance to the event handler.

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Page conversion events

  • beforeSerialiation -> handler(document, css): runs when converted page DOM was prepared immediately before serialization. Use to manipulate resulting page DOM. The event handler receives document node (jsdom) and page css.

mjpage function callback receives result after the DOM serialization.


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mathjax-node-page installs a CLI tool. Run mjpage to print usage instructions.



  • mathjax-node-page is intended to work with HTML pages and it uses DOM parser while extracting formulas from the document. If your page is not HTML, make sure you escape < (&lt;) and > (&gt;) before usage. This test contains an example.





来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请注明来源 https://www.javascriptcn.com/post/6005606781e8991b448de8aa
