npm 包 tutorialjs 使用教程

作为前端开发人员,我们一直在寻找方便快捷的方式来向用户展示教程和其他文档。tutorialjs 是一个优秀的 npm 包,它帮助我们创建交互式的教程。在这篇文章中,我们将介绍如何安装和使用 tutorialjs。


使用 npm 安装 tutorialjs npm 包十分简单。打开终端并运行以下命令:

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使用 tutorialjs 创建交互式教程

在学习如何使用 tutorialjs 之前,让我们先了解一下它是什么。tutorialjs 是一个支持 Markdown 语法的库,它允许我们在 Markdown 文件中嵌入交互式教程。这些交互式教程可以引导用户完成特定的任务。


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Here's some more content.

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Custom tooltip tutorial

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Now we'll add some CSS to our stylesheet to style the tooltip:

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These styles will create a simple tooltip that appears when the user hovers over the <div> element.

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Next, we'll create a function in our JavaScript file that will create a custom tooltip when called:

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This function accepts two arguments: element, which is the element the tooltip will be attached to, and tooltipText, which is the text that will be displayed in the tooltip. The function creates a new <span> element, sets its class to tooltip-custom, sets its text content to the provided tooltipText, and inserts it after the specified element. Finally, the function adds event listeners to the element to show and hide the tooltip when hovered over.

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You can try it out by copying the JavaScript code above and pasting it into your tooltip.js file, and then adding the HTML and CSS from earlier to your HTML and CSS files.

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