
Pimp my AMQP


AMQPimping is a simple wrapper around the amqplib module. You can use it, for example, to listen and publish messages to RabbitMQ.


  • Event-emitting class
  • Reuse AMQP connection and channel
  • Reconnect to queue / channel on disconnections and errors
  • Retry mechanism with on bluebird-retry
  • bunyan integration

Example usage

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new AMQP(options)

Constructor of the AMQP listener.

Param Type Description
options object Options object. string The AMQP host to connect to.
options.username string The AMQP username.
options.password string The AMQP password.
options.logger function A bunyan logger instance.
options.retry object Retry settings.
options.retry.maxTries number Amount of retries.
options.retry.interval number Interval between retries.
options.retry.backoff number Backoff factor.
options.durable boolean Whether to use durable queues or not.


Start the fun.

Kind: instance method of AMQP


Connect to AMQP.

Kind: instance method of AMQP

amqp.getChannel() ⇒ Promise

Gets the channel for this instance, or create a new one if it doesn't exist yet.

Kind: instance method of AMQP Returns: Promise - A promise to a AMQP channel.

amqp.createChannel() ⇒ Promise

Creates a new channel and handles all possible disconnections.

Kind: instance method of AMQP Returns: Promise - A promise to a AMQP channel.


Listen to a queue.

Kind: instance method of AMQP

Param Type Description
queue string Name of the queue to listen to.

amqp.publish(queue, message)

Publish a message.

Kind: instance method of AMQP

Param Type Description
queue string Queue to publish the message to.
message string The message to publish.


Stop the AMQP listener. Connection with AMQP, if present, will be closed.

Kind: instance method of AMQP


Event fired when the connection to AMQP is successful.

Kind: event emitted by AMQP


Event fired when a message is received in the queue.

Kind: event emitted by AMQP


Event fired when the instance starts listening to messages in the queue.

Kind: event emitted by AMQP


Event fired when an error occurs.

Kind: event emitted by AMQP


Event fired when the connection to AMQP is closed.

Kind: event emitted by AMQP


Run the integration tests with npm test. You'll need docker compose to be installed.






来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请联系管理员! 本文地址:


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