npm 包 vue-shopify-products 使用教程


随着电子商务行业的发展,Shopify已经成为了最受欢迎的电子商务平台之一。为开发Shopify主题,Vue.js作为一种流行的增量框架,也受到了越来越多的关注。vue-shopify-products便是集成了Shopify API的Vue.js组件库,优化主题开发的利器。


vue-shopify-products 简介



  • 内置了 Shopfiy API
  • 功能完整,封装度高
  • 可自定义调节视觉效果



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在您的Vue.js项目中,通过import VueShopifyProducts from 'vue-shopify-products' 来引入安装好的组件库。然后,将VueShopifyProducts注册为您要使用的组件。我们具体看一下代码:

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Property Type Description
title String The title of the product
productType String The type of the product
image Object An object containing information about the product image
price String The price of the product
description String The description of the product
publishedAt String The date the product was published
variants Array An array of variant objects. Each variant object contains information about the variant, such as its title and price
options Array An array of option objects. Each option object contains information about an option on the product, such as its name and available values.



Property Type Description
handle String The handle of the collection you want to display
id Number The ID of the collection you want to display
title String The title of the collection you want to display
allProducts Boolean If true, all products will be displayed



Property Type Default Value Description
defaultVariant Object null Specifies a default variant to show for each product.
priceDisplay String 'variant' Determines which price to display for each product. Options include 'variant' (display the base price of the selected variant), 'priceRange' (display the price range of all available variants), and 'priceMinimum' (display the lowest available price).
buttonText String 'Add to cart' The text to display on the add-to-cart button.
buttonClass String null A string of CSS classes to apply to the add-to-cart button.
buttonStyle Object { backgroundColor: '#f1c40f', color: '#ffffff' } An object of CSS styles to apply to the add-to-cart button.
variantSelectDisplay String 'select' Determines how variant select options are displayed. Options include 'select' (display as standard HTML select elements) and 'buttons' (display as styled button elements).
variantSelectButtonClass String null A string of CSS classes to apply to the variant select button elements.
variantSelectButtonStyle Object { backgroundColor: '#f1c40f', color: '#ffffff' } An object of CSS styles to apply to the variant select button elements.
variantSelectLabel String 'Variants' The label to display above the variant select options.
variantSelectSize String 'medium' The size of the variant select options. Options include 'small', 'medium', and 'large'.
variantSelectStyle Object { backgroundColor: '#ffffff' } An object of CSS styles to apply to the variant select options.




来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请联系管理员! 本文地址:


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