npm 包 eslint-config-blued-react 使用教程


eslint-config-blued-react 是 Blued React 项目中使用的 eslint 配置文件,使用它可以大大提高我们的代码规范和代码质量。本篇文章将详细介绍 eslint-config-blued-react 的使用方法和配置细节。


首先,我们需要在项目中安装 eslint 和 eslint-config-blued-react:

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在项目中的 .eslintrc 文件中,我们需要做以下配置:

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这段配置表示我们的 eslint 规则继承自 eslint-config-blued-react,同时可以在 rules 中添加新的规则或覆盖原有的规则。


在我们的项目中,我们可以通过运行 eslint 命令来检查我们的代码是否符合 eslint-config-blued-react 的规范:

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这里的 src 是我们项目的源代码目录。

如果希望自动修复 eslint 检测出的错误,可以加上 --fix 参数:

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eslint-config-blued-react 中定义了下列规则:

  • accessor-pairs: Enforces getter/setter pairs in objects;
  • array-bracket-spacing: Enforce consistent spacing inside braces of array literals;
  • block-scoped-var: Treat var statements as if they were block scoped;
  • brace-style: Enforce consistent brace style for blocks;
  • camelcase: Enforce camelcase naming convention;
  • comma-dangle: Enforce trailing commas in object literals and array declarations;
  • comma-spacing: Enforce consistent spacing before and after commas;
  • consistent-return: Require return statements to either always or never specify values;
  • default-case: Require default case in switch statements;
  • eol-last: Require or disallow newline at the end of files;
  • eqeqeq: Require the use of === and !==;
  • indent: Enforce consistent indentation;
  • jsx-quotes: Enforce the consistent use of either double or single quotes in JSX attributes;
  • key-spacing: Enforce consistent spacing between keys and values in object literal properties;
  • keyword-spacing: Enforce consistent spacing before and after keywords;
  • max-len: Enforce a maximum line length;
  • new-cap: Require constructor names to begin with a capital letter;
  • no-alert: Disallow the use of alert, confirm, and prompt;
  • no-array-constructor: Disallow Array constructors;
  • no-caller: Disallow the use of arguments.caller or arguments.callee;
  • no-console: Disallow the use of console;
  • no-else-return: Disallow else after a return in an if;
  • no-empty-function: Disallow empty functions;
  • no-eq-null: Disallow null comparisons without type-checking operators;
  • no-extra-bind: Disallow unnecessary function binding;
  • no-implicit-coercion: Disallow shorthand type conversions;
  • no-implied-eval: Disallow the use of eval()-like methods;
  • no-iterator: Disallow iterators;
  • no-lone-blocks: Disallow unnecessary nested blocks;
  • no-multi-spaces: Disallow multiple spaces;
  • no-multi-str: Disallow multiline strings;
  • no-native-reassign: Disallow reassignments of native objects;
  • no-new: Disallow new operators outside of assignments or comparisons;
  • no-new-func: Disallow new operators with the Function object;
  • no-new-object: Disallow Object constructors;
  • no-new-wrappers: Disallow new operators with the String, Number, and Boolean objects;
  • no-param-reassign: Disallow reassignment of function parameters;
  • no-redeclare: Disallow variable redeclaration;
  • no-return-assign: Disallow assignments in return statements;
  • no-self-compare: Disallow comparisons where both sides are exactly the same;
  • no-shadow: Disallow shadowing of names;
  • no-undef-init: Disallow initializing undefined variables;
  • no-undef: Disallow the use of undeclared variables;
  • no-underscore-dangle: Disallow dangling underscores in identifiers;
  • no-unused-expressions: Disallow unused expressions;
  • no-unused-vars: Disallow unused variables;
  • no-use-before-define: Disallow the use of variables before they are defined;
  • no-var: Require let or const instead of var;
  • object-curly-spacing: Enforce consistent spacing inside braces of object literals;
  • object-shorthand: Require or disallow method and property shorthand syntax for object literals;
  • prefer-arrow-callback: Require arrow functions as callbacks;
  • prefer-const: Require const declarations for variables that are never reassigned after declared;
  • prefer-rest-params: Require rest parameters instead of arguments;
  • prefer-spread: Require spread operators instead of .apply();
  • quotes: Enforce consistent quotes style for all string literals;
  • semi: Require semicolons at the end of statements;
  • space-before-blocks: Enforce consistent spacing before blocks;
  • space-before-function-paren: Enforce consistent spacing before function definition parenthesis;
  • space-in-parens: Enforce consistent spacing inside parentheses;
  • space-infix-ops: Enforce consistent spacing around infix operators;
  • strict: Require or disallow strict mode directives;
  • yoda: Require or disallow Yoda conditions.


通过使用 eslint-config-blued-react,我们可以较为轻松地提升项目的代码规范和代码质量。希望本文对你能有所启发和帮助,未来可以使用 eslint-config-blued-react 更好地进行前端开发工作。

来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请联系管理员! 本文地址:


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