随着应用程序逐渐增多,特别是公司和团队越来越大,需要确保代码的质量和可靠性。这就是自动化测试的作用。这篇文章将介绍如何使用 Fastify 和 Jest 编写 RESTful API 的自动化测试用例。
Fastify 是什么?
Fastify 是一个高效、低开销的基于 Node.js 的 Web 框架。
它专注于提供最佳的性能和开发者体验,这得益于使用了许多新的 JavaScript 特性,如 Async/Await、Promise、Generator 等等。
Fastify 还有一个特点是插件机制十分强大,可以让你轻松地扩展其功能。
Jest 是什么?
Jest 是 Facebook 开发的一个 JavaScript 测试框架,功能强大而且易于使用。它旨在为前端开发人员提供一种快捷、直观的测试方案。
Jest 的出现标志着前端测试的新时代的到来,它不仅支持常规的单元测试,还支持快照测试和集成测试等。
RESTful API 自动化测试实战
下面我们将使用 Fastify 和 Jest 编写 RESTful API 自动化测试用例。我们将使用以下的 todo list API:
Method | Route | Payload | Description |
POST | /todos | { "title": "string", "completed": "boolean" } |
create a new todo |
GET | /todos/:id | get a todo by id | |
PUT | /todos/:id | { "title": "string", "completed": "boolean" } |
update a todo by id |
DELETE | /todos/:id | delete a todo by id | |
GET | /todos | ?completed=true/false 或 ?limit=number&offset=number |
get all todos with query |
安装 Fastify 和 Jest
首先,我们需要安装 Fastify 和 Jest。
npm install --save-dev fastify jest supertest
其中 supertest 是一个 HTTP 请求库,我们用来测试 HTTP API。
编写 Fastify RESTful API
const fastify = require('fastify')() // mock todos const todos = [] // create a new todo fastify.post('/todos', async (request, reply) => { const { title, completed } = request.body const todo = { id: todos.length + 1, title, completed } todos.push(todo) return todo }) // get a todo by id fastify.get('/todos/:id', async (request, reply) => { const { id } = request.params const todo = todos.find((todo) => todo.id === Number(id)) if (!todo) { reply.code(404) return { error: 'Not Found' } } return todo }) // update a todo by id fastify.put('/todos/:id', async (request, reply) => { const { id } = request.params const { title, completed } = request.body let todo = todos.find((todo) => todo.id === Number(id)) if (!todo) { reply.code(404) return { error: 'Not Found' } } todo.title = title || todo.title todo.completed = completed return todo }) // delete a todo by id fastify.delete('/todos/:id', async (request, reply) => { const { id } = request.params const index = todos.findIndex((todo) => todo.id === Number(id)) if (index === -1) { reply.code(404) return { error: 'Not Found' } } todos.splice(index, 1) return { success: true } }) // get all todos with query fastify.get('/todos', async (request, reply) => { const { completed, limit = 10, offset = 0 } = request.query const list = todos.filter((todo) => { if (completed !== undefined) { return todo.completed === (completed === 'true') } return true }) const total = list.length const data = list.slice(offset, Number(offset) + Number(limit)) return { total, data } }) if (require.main === module) { fastify.listen(3000, (err, address) => { if (err) throw err console.log(`server listening on ${address}`) }) } module.exports = fastify
编写 Jest 测试用例
首先,我们需要在根目录下新建一个 __tests__
在 __tests__
目录下创建一个 todos.test.js
const app = require('../app') const supertest = require('supertest') const request = supertest.agent(app) afterAll(async () => { await request.close() }) describe('Test todos API', () => { test('POST /todos', async () => { const data = { title: 'buy a milk', completed: false } const res = await request.post('/todos').send(data).expect(200) expect(res.body.title).toEqual(data.title) expect(res.body.completed).toEqual(data.completed) }) test('GET /todos/:id', async () => { const data = { title: 'buy a milk', completed: false } const res1 = await request.post('/todos').send(data).expect(200) const res2 = await request.get(`/todos/${res1.body.id}`).expect(200) expect(res2.body.title).toEqual(data.title) expect(res2.body.completed).toEqual(data.completed) }) test('PUT /todos/:id', async () => { const data = { title: 'buy a milk', completed: false } const update = { title: 'buy a milk and bread', completed: true } const res1 = await request.post('/todos').send(data).expect(200) const res2 = await request.put(`/todos/${res1.body.id}`).send(update).expect(200) expect(res2.body.title).toEqual(update.title) expect(res2.body.completed).toEqual(update.completed) }) test('DELETE /todos/:id', async () => { const data = { title: 'buy a milk', completed: false } const res1 = await request.post('/todos').send(data).expect(200) const res2 = await request.delete(`/todos/${res1.body.id}`).expect(200) expect(res2.body.success).toEqual(true) }) test('GET /todos', async () => { const data = { title: 'buy a milk', completed: false } await request.post('/todos').send(data).expect(200) const res1 = await request.get('/todos').expect(200) expect(res1.body.total).toEqual(1) expect(res1.body.data).toHaveLength(1) const res2 = await request.get('/todos?completed=false').expect(200) expect(res2.body.total).toEqual(1) expect(res2.body.data).toHaveLength(1) const res3 = await request.get('/todos?completed=true').expect(200) expect(res3.body.total).toEqual(0) expect(res3.body.data).toHaveLength(0) }) })
在根目录下的 package.json
{ "scripts": { "test": "jest" } }
npm test
PASS __tests__/todos.test.js Test todos API ✓ POST /todos (17 ms) ✓ GET /todos/:id (4 ms) ✓ PUT /todos/:id (4 ms) ✓ DELETE /todos/:id (4 ms) ✓ GET /todos (3 ms) Test Suites: 1 passed, 1 total Tests: 5 passed, 5 total Snapshots: 0 total Time: 1.604 s Ran all test suites.
在这篇文章中,我们使用 Fastify 和 Jest 编写了一个 todo list 的 RESTful API,并编写了相应的自动化测试用例。通过这个例子,你可以初步了解如何使用 Jest 进行单元测试和集成测试。在实际开发中,自动化测试对于团队的开发效率和代码质量是非常重要的。
来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请注明来源 本文地址:https://www.javascriptcn.com/post/6593bb4aeb4cecbf2d85fc96