npm 包 node-red-ddm 使用教程


Node-RED is an open-source, flow-based programming tool that is used for programming the Internet of Things (IoT). It is widely used in the development of IoT applications and allows developers to easily create applications that can be distributed across multiple platforms. Node-RED-DDM is an npm package that provides a set of nodes to work with DDM devices. These nodes allow you to easily control and monitor your DDM devices from within Node-RED.


To use Node-RED-DDM, you must first have Node-RED installed. You can install it using the following command:

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Once you have Node-RED installed, you can install Node-RED-DDM using the following command:

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Using Node-RED-DDM

Node-RED-DDM provides a set of nodes that allow you to interact with your DDM devices. These nodes allow you to easily monitor the status of your devices, read the device data, and control your devices. To use these nodes, you must first add them to your Node-RED dashboard.

Adding Nodes to Your Dashboard

To add the nodes to your dashboard, open the Node-RED editor and click on the hamburger menu icon in the top right corner. From the menu, select "Manage palette". In the "Install" tab, search for "node-red-ddm" and click on the "install" button.

Monitoring Device Status

Once you have added the nodes to your dashboard, you can start using them to monitor your devices. The "ddm in" node allows you to receive updates from your devices. To use this node, drag and drop it onto your flow and double-click on it to configure it. In the configuration window, select the device that you wish to monitor.

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Reading Device Data

To read data from your devices, you can use the "ddm get" node. This node allows you to read data from your devices and store it in a variable. To use this node, drag and drop it onto your flow and double-click on it to configure it. In the configuration window, select the device that you wish to read data from and the data that you wish to read.

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Controlling Devices

To control your devices, you can use the "ddm set" node. This node allows you to send commands to your devices and set their parameters. To use this node, drag and drop it onto your flow and double-click on it to configure it. In the configuration window, select the device that you wish to control and the parameter that you wish to set.

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Node-RED-DDM is a powerful tool for controlling and monitoring your DDM devices. It provides a set of nodes that make it easy to work with your devices from within Node-RED. By following the steps in this tutorial, you can easily get started with Node-RED-DDM and begin building your own IoT applications.

来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请联系管理员! 本文地址:


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