Weex: Review and Comparison with React Native

Weex and React Native are two popular cross-platform frameworks for building mobile applications. They both allow developers to write code once and deploy it on both iOS and Android platforms, thereby greatly reducing the development time and cost. In this article, we will review Weex and compare it with React Native.

What is Weex?

Weex is a cross-platform framework developed by Alibaba Group. It is designed to enable developers to build high-performance mobile applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Weex provides a set of APIs that allow developers to access native features of iOS and Android devices, such as camera, GPS, and contacts.

Weex uses a virtual DOM (similar to React's) and a reactive programming model to ensure fast rendering and smooth user interactions. It also supports hot-reloading, which means changes made to the code are immediately reflected in the running application.

Comparison with React Native


Weex claims to have better performance than React Native, particularly in terms of startup time and memory usage. This is because Weex uses a lightweight runtime that is optimized for mobile devices. However, some benchmarks have shown that React Native performs better in certain scenarios, such as rendering complex views.

Development Experience

Both Weex and React Native offer a great development experience. They both have excellent documentation, vibrant communities, and extensive tooling support. However, React Native has a larger community and more mature ecosystem, which means that developers can find more third-party libraries and tools to work with.

Code Sharing

Both Weex and React Native allow developers to write code once and deploy it on multiple platforms. However, Weex has better support for web components, which means that developers can reuse more web code in their mobile applications. On the other hand, React Native has better integration with the native platforms, which means that developers can access more native APIs.

Learning Curve

Weex uses a Vue.js-like syntax, which may be easier for web developers to learn. However, React Native's component-based architecture is more flexible and powerful, which means that it can handle more complex user interfaces.

Getting Started with Weex

To get started with Weex, you need to install the Weex Toolkit and set up your development environment. Here's an example of how to create a simple "Hello, World!" application using Weex:

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Save this code as hello.weex.html and run it using the Weex Playground app on your iOS or Android device. You should see a message saying "Hello, World!".


Weex and React Native are both excellent frameworks for building mobile applications. They have their own strengths and weaknesses, and the choice between them depends on the specific requirements of your project. If you're already familiar with Vue.js and want to reuse more web code in your mobile applications, Weex may be a better fit. However, if you're looking for a more mature ecosystem and better integration with native platforms, React Native may be a better option.

来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请联系管理员! 本文地址:https://www.javascriptcn.com/post/7019


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