Introducing Fusion.js: A Plugin-based Universal Web Framework

Fusion.js is a plugin-based universal web framework created by Uber that provides a powerful and flexible way to build modern web applications. It allows developers to use their preferred libraries and tools while providing an opinionated structure and common set of abstractions for building scalable, high-performance, and maintainable applications.


  • Universal rendering: Fusion.js supports server-side rendering out of the box, allowing developers to create fast and SEO-friendly web applications.
  • Plugin-based architecture: Fusion.js uses a plugin-based architecture, which allows developers to compose their application using reusable and composable plugins.
  • Hot module reloading: Fusion.js provides hot module reloading, which helps developers to update their code quickly without losing the state of their application.
  • Code splitting: Fusion.js supports code splitting, which enables developers to load only the necessary code for each page, resulting in faster page loads.
  • Support for TypeScript and Flow: Fusion.js has built-in support for both TypeScript and Flow, making it easy to add static typing to your codebase.

Getting Started

Let's take a look at how to get started with Fusion.js.


You can install Fusion.js using npm:

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Creating a new project

You can create a new Fusion.js project using the create-fusion-app command:

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This will create a new project called my-app.

Creating a plugin

Plugins are the building blocks of Fusion.js applications. They encapsulate functionality that can be shared across different parts of your application.

To create a plugin, use the create-plugin command:

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This will create a new plugin called my-plugin.

Adding a plugin to your application

To add a plugin to your application, you need to import it and add it to the plugins array in your src/main.js file:

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  ----- --- - --- -------------- -------------
  ------ ----

Creating a page

To create a page, you can use the create-page command:

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This will create a new page called my-page.

You can then add a route to your page in the src/main.js file:

------ ------ ---- ------------------

------ ------- ---------- -
  ----- --- - --- -------------- -------------
  ------------------- ----- ----- -- -
    ------------------ ----
  ------ ----

Running your application

To run your application, use the dev command:

--- --- ---

This will start the development server and open your application in the browser.


Fusion.js is a powerful and flexible web framework that provides an opinionated structure and common set of abstractions for building modern web applications. Its plugin-based architecture allows developers to compose their application using reusable and composable plugins, while its support for universal rendering, hot module reloading, code splitting, and static typing make it a great choice for building scalable, high-performance, and maintainable applications.

I hope this article has provided you with a useful introduction to Fusion.js and helped you get started with building your own web applications using this exciting new framework.

来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请联系管理员! 本文地址:


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