npm 包 react-native-pili-player 使用教程

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react-native-pili-player 是一款用于 React Native 开发的七牛云播放器插件,它具有不同于其他播放器的多种特性和优势。本篇教程将会详细介绍如何在你的 React Native 项目中使用 react-native-pili-player 这个 npm 包,并给出一些使用实例供你参考。

安装 react-native-pili-player

使用 npm 命令安装 react-native-pili-player:

导入 react-native-pili-player

使用 react-native-pili-player

react-native-pili-player 组件能够响应并转发视频播放事件,可以通过设置事件监听器来实现。


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react-native-pili-player API


Prop Type Required Description
source object Yes The source of video.
style object No The style of view component.
volume number No The volume for audio playback. The value can be between 0 and 1.
rate number No The rate of playback. The value can be between 0.5 and 2.
paused bool No Set whether the player is paused.
muted bool No Set whether the audio should be muted.
repeat bool No Set whether the video should be played again from the beginning when it reaches the end.
playInBackground bool No Set whether the media playback should continue when the app is backgrounded.
resizeMode string No Use to set the video's resizeMode.
onPlaying function No Called when media starts playing.
onPaused function No Called when media is paused.
onStopped function No Called when media is stopped.
onError function No Called when media gets into an error state.


Method Description
start() Start the player.
pause() Pause the player.
resume() Resume the player.
stop() Stop the player.
seek(time) Seek to a specific time (in seconds).
setVolume(volume) Set the volume (from 0 to 1).
setRate(rate) Set the playback rate (from 0.5 to 2).
snapshot(callback) Capture an image of the player's view.

使用 react-native-pili-player 的场景

以下是一些适合使用 react-native-pili-player 的场景:

  • 视频直播应用
  • 视频教学应用
  • 视频播放应用

以上场景均可用 react-native-pili-player 快速开发并实现,可大大提高开发效率和用户体验。


本文详细介绍了 npm 包 react-native-pili-player 的使用教程,包括安装、导入、使用及其 API 等方面,同时,还给出了使用示例供读者参考。希望本文能帮助读者更好地了解 react-native-pili-player,提高开发效率,实现更优秀的应用。

来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请注明来源

