purgecss: A Tool to Remove Unused CSS

Purgecss: A Tool to Remove Unused CSS

As websites and web applications become more complex, the amount of CSS code that gets written increases. However, not all of this code is necessary for a website to function properly. In fact, unused CSS can slow down page load times and negatively impact user experience. This is where Purgecss comes in – it's a tool that removes unused CSS from your code, making your website faster and more efficient.

How Does Purgecss Work?

Purgecss scans your codebase and identifies any CSS classes or selectors that aren't being used in your HTML files. It then removes these unused styles from your CSS files, resulting in a smaller file size and faster load times.

Purgecss can be used in a variety of ways. You can integrate it into your build process using tools like Webpack or Gulp, or you can use it as a command line tool to manually remove unused CSS from a single file.

Getting Started with Purgecss

To get started with Purgecss, you'll need to have Node.js installed on your machine. Once you do, you can install Purgecss using npm:

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Once Purgecss is installed, you can run it from the command line. Here's an example command that removes unused CSS from a file called styles.css:

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In this command, --css specifies the CSS file you want to purge, --content specifies the HTML file(s) that Purgecss should use to determine what styles are actually being used, and --output specifies the name of the file that will be created with the purged CSS.

Tips for Using Purgecss

Here are some tips for using Purgecss effectively:

  • Only include the CSS files that are actually being used in your HTML files. This will make Purgecss's job easier and result in a more accurate analysis.
  • Use Purgecss on production code, not development code. This ensures that all of your code has been fully tested and that you're only removing styles that aren't actually being used.
  • Test your code thoroughly after purging CSS to ensure that everything still looks and functions as intended.


Purgecss is a powerful tool for front-end developers looking to optimize their codebase and improve page load times. By identifying and removing unused CSS, it can help make your website faster and more efficient. Give Purgecss a try on your next project and see how it can help improve your workflow!

来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请联系管理员! 本文地址:https://www.javascriptcn.com/post/7432


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