npm 包 date-names 使用教程

阅读时长 3 分钟读完

什么是 date-names?

date-names 是一个 npm 包,它提供了一个简单的方法,可以将日期转换为人类可读的格式。这个包处理日期的语言,可以生成易于理解的日期格式,比如下面这些:

  • 昨天
  • 今天
  • 明天
  • 本星期一
  • 下个月
  • 明年


如何使用 date-names?

date-names 的使用非常简单。下面是一个基本的例子:

as you can see, all we do is import the package, create a new date object, and pass it to the format() function. The function then returns a human-readable date string that we can use in our application.

How do we customize our output?

By default, date-names uses the Chinese language to render date names. However, you can customize the output and use a different language. Here is how:

In this example, we create a new locale object and pass in 'en-US' which tells date-names to use the English language. We then pass that object to the format() function and it will generate an English-language date name.


In this article, we've covered the basics of using the date-names package. By using this simple package, we can generate human-readable date names and improve the UI of our applications. We've also seen how to customize our output to use different languages. By following the instructions in this article, you should be able to quickly and easily start using date-names in your own applications.

来源:JavaScript中文网 ,转载请注明来源